12 roses in Red colors can be mixed, and a maximum of 3 colors can be chosen for one box. If you have a unique idea, please call us at +9083664964, and we will try to realize all your ideas.
For the person in your life who means the world to you, get them SHI ROSES to express your true feelings. This floral arrangement is a stunning gift that really has that classic romantic feel. With a gorgeous selection of red roses in luxury gift wrapping, your special someone is sure to love it! You may customize this gift by adding items like champagne, wine, or chocolate.
Available on backorder
12 roses in Red colors can be mixed, and a maximum of 3 colors can be chosen for one box. If you have a unique idea, please call us at +9083664964, and we will try to realize all your ideas.
Weight | 2 kg |
Dimensions | 60 cm |
Size | 60cm |
Occasion | Anniversary, Birthday, Valentine's Day |
Wrapping | BLACK, RED, PINK |
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